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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
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Children's Book Week NI 📚

18th Oct 2020


Today is the beginning of Children’s Book Week NI. We would like to share some of the activities that we had planned for this week that you may like to use at home with your child. We also have some reminders and ideas which your child(ren) might enjoy doing. 

📚 send a photo to your child’s teacher, via Seesaw or Google Classroom, of your child reading a book in an unusual, safe place

📚 encourage your child to read for at least 15 minutes each day

📚 design a poster for Book Week and display at home for everyone to see 

📚 have a look at libraries ni website for resources and favourite books. Follow this link:

📚 you can also use the online services via this link to join the library and borrow ebooks 

📚 if your child’s class is taking part in the library competition ‘Fantastic Fiction’ he/she could continue writing his/her story

📚 write and illustrate a story for a younger reader and read at bedtime to a younger brother or sister 

📚 encourage older children to read favourite books to younger brothers and sisters.


We wish all the children a happy week of enjoying books! 🤩

Mrs Donnelly, Mrs Grue and P7 librarians, Mya, Katie-Leigh, Megan and Miley.