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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
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Children’s Mental Health Week

1st Feb 2021

🌟 Children’s Mental Health Week begins today. The theme this year is Express Yourself’ 🌟

Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts or ideas through creativity. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film and doing activities that make you feel good.

It is important to remember that being able to express yourself is not about being the best at something or putting on a performance for others. It is about finding a way to show who you are and how you see the world, that can help you feel good about yourself. 

Throughout this week the children will be taking part in a variety of activities with their teacher. On Wednesday we will launch our Wellbeing Wednesday. We ask that your child has a day away from the screen and any digital device. Your child’s teacher will give you the details of the exciting schedule that has been planned for Wednesday.

Visit the Children’s Mental Health Week website for more information and resources.