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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
Join us at our Open Day - Thursday 12th December @ - 3:00pm - everyone welcome
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Day of Many Colours

9th Oct 2020

Today we are celebrating the Day of Many Colours. This is a very special day which we can celebrate any day and as often as we like during the year. This day is based on the five colours of the Mission Rosary. In St Colman's Primary School we have great love for and devotion to Our Lady. During the month of October we pray the rosary in a special way.

We are unable to come together as a whole school for our weekly assembly because we want to keep everyone safe. But we have been using many other creative ways in school on a Friday to connect with each other.

Mission Together is the Pope's own children's charity. When the children pray the Mission Rosary they are uniting themselves to the children in the 5 continents.

You can find out more about this charity and the Day of Many Colours by using this link:

The children have had a special assembly today with their teacher. They have said the beautiful Mission Prayer together. We used some of the words of this prayer for our thought for the week.

We pray to Our Lady to keep us all safe.