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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
❤️School Closed-reopens Monday 17th March❤️
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Dream Space Ambassador Training - Micro:bit Next Level 👾💻

19th Nov 2024

Today our digital leaders continued learning about coding in our ‘Micro:bit Next Level’ workshop.

They learned that a variable is something we create in our program that will store data (information).
To do this they created a step counter - micro:bit program to count and display steps using the accelerometer.

Next, they looked at using variables and conditional statements together.  They made a digital dice by using the ‘on shake’ gesture to randomly select a number on the dice.  The numbers were displayed using ‘show leds’ block.  For this they needed to use a random block of code.

Finally, they explored using the radio function to let two micro:bits talk to each other wirelessly.  They wrote code to tell one micro:bit to send a message and the other to receive and understand it - like walkie talkies with computers!

Their task was to create a program that can people when an earthquake is coming - that is if the micro:bit sensed shaking it sent a message to other micro:bits to warn people to stay safe.  

They took coding a step further and added a function.  A function is like a mini-program inside your big program.  We made our alert make a sound.

Wow! This training really was next level and the digital leaders are planning to deliver a teacher workshop before our Christmas holidays.