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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
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Mr Murney from the Credit Union Visits P5

19th Oct 2018

This week was Maths Week and as part of our Maths activities we had a visit this morning from Mr Murney, who works in the Kilkeel branch of the Credit Union. He talked to us about the importance of getting into the habit of saving money from a young age. Mr Murney told us that if you save a little each month your bank balance will steadily grow and when you grow up you'll have a great nest egg for a lot of the essential things you need.

He asked the pupils lots of questions and they too asked him lots of interesting questions.

Mr Murney told them the smallest amount a child can save is £1 and that all the coins out of their piggy banks are very welcome.

He finished off by leaving the children activity sheets,pencils and highlighter pens.

All the pupils enjoyed the session and quite a few of them are already Credit Union members.

Primary 5 are learning in their Seed Dispersal topic that from little acorns mighty oaks do grow and the same applies to your savings - you can amass a lot of money by starting off with a small amount and gradually adding to it.