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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
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P1 Learning to Read and Write

23rd Oct 2017

Primary 1 learned to recognise their first sight word today, the word 'look'. They can remember the word very well as they were given a little hook to visualise the 'oo' as two eyes!

They also began learning the sound 't' today. The boys and girls are now starting to blend the last fortnight's sounds 'c' and 'a' with the new sound 't' to make the CVC word 'cat' for Halloween!

On an computer programme called Clicker, the children built a sentence today, "Look a cat." This was then developed to use various colours to describe the cat.
E.g. Look a red cat/ Look a blue cat.

The children also learned what a full stop is and where to put it. Who can help their child to read this sentence at home?