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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
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P6/7 World Map Research Project

28th Sep 2018

P6/7 are very much enjoying our World Around Us topic of the Victorians. This week the children learned some more facts about Queen Victoria and the extent of her power as the ruler and head of the British Empire during her reign. The P6/7 children had the opportunity to work in pairs and small groups in our fabulous ICT suite to research and identify the countries who were part of Victoria's Empire. The children were full of enthusiasm for this research project whereby they were all given maps of the world and in their pairs/groups they had the task to mark and identify the countries on the map that were part of the British Empire. This lesson taught the children valuable skills of turn taking, sharing, cooperation and teamwork. It also taught the children important historical facts about Queen Victoria and the British Empire during this period. Furthermore, the children in my class gained valuable geographical knowledge on the position of many countries in the world.