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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
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PHA asymptomatic testing in Kilkeel

5th Jun 2021

The PHA has identified a number of probable cases of the Delta variant (first detected in India) in the Kilkeel area. 

As a precautionary measure the PHA are requesting asymptomatic people to get tested.

Mobile units are situated at St Louis GS, Mourne Esplanade and Ballymartin GAC. The PHA are appealing to members of the community to visit a mobile testing unit today.

We have worked incredibly hard with the support of our entire school community to try to keep everyone safe. We ask everyone to please follow the PHA advice and get tested. I ask for your support in our efforts to try to ensure a safe return to school for both children and staff on Monday for the final few weeks of this summer term.

We request that everyone continues to remain vigilant for any of the identifiable COVID symptoms and follows the guidance.

On return to school on Monday we ask for your assistance with the following also:

  • wearing of a face mask when at the school gate or in the school grounds
  • keeping a social distance from others 
  • avoid gathering at the school gates
  • adherence to travel regulations 

Thank you in advance for your co-operation in this serious matter and for your continued support.

Stay safe everyone 

Mrs Donnelly